Cloned sheep

美 [kloʊnd ʃiːp]英 [kləʊnd ʃiːp]
  • 网络克隆羊
Cloned sheepCloned sheep
  1. Recently , some English scientists announced that they produced a cloned sheep .


  2. The discussion on whether the human race can go against nature by cloning themselves has heated up with the advent of the first cloned sheep Dolly .


  3. Research Advances on Cloned Sheep - Dolly


  4. Since the birth of cloned sheep Dori , various argument about cloned human being has become a hot social issue .


  5. Since the first cloned sheep , Dolly , from cultured mammary somatic cells was born in 1997 , the nuclear transfer of animal was paid world-wide attention .


  6. Since British researchers in1997 produced Dolly , the first cloned sheep in the world , the attempt of human cloning has been widely condemned due to ethical and biological concerns .


  7. The birth of cloned sheep " dolly " produced by nuclear transfer from a somatic cell manifests that the somatic cell is of genomic totipotency in mammals .


  8. Kari Stefansson , one of the world 's leading geneticists and the founder of Decode Genetics , recalled a poem he wrote in 1996 , a few months after the birth of Dolly , the cloned sheep .


  9. I know that English scientists had cloned a sheep .


  10. In1996 , Scottish researchers cloned a sheep with cells taken from another sheep 's mammary tissue .


  11. You cloned a sheep in the1960s .


  12. PPL , the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property .


  13. When a team in Scotland first cloned Dolly the sheep , they achieved something astounding , difficult and not immediately medically useful .


  14. It is these techniques that will allow , among other things , the creation of cloned herds of sheep and cows that produce medicines in their milk .


  15. The 581 cloned mice were made using an improved version of somatic cell nuclear transfer , the technique that created Dolly the cloned sheep in 1996 .
